
Wedding LED Screen - Brighten Your Ceremony

Feb 16, 2023

Wedding is one of the most special days in your life. Aside from fantastic decorations, fabulous outfits, great food, a LED screen may be an extra effort to make your wedding memorable and entertaining.

A wedding is unquestionably one of the most exciting and anticipated moments in your life. You may want to make this special day ideal by arranging your wedding with flowers, romantic lights, and other decorations. Furthermore, an LED screen may go above and beyond to make your wedding more vibrant and unforgettable. In this blog post, we will go over several factors that will provide you with the most essential information regarding the wedding LED display.

Why Wedding LED Screen Comes into the Market

Weddings typically use projection to play video content. This visual effect is fully dependent on the projector's resolution, but regardless of how high-definition projectors are difficult to obtain clear color and high-definition resolution. In addition, if a person stands in front of the projector projecting light, there will be color in his/ her face causing the projector screen behind the visual image to also be missing. Therefore, traditional equipment like projectors are not as popular as before. 

LED screen makes your wedding more spectacular

The clearer image, high-definition video content, and quicker response speed offer wedding LED displays more advantages. For example, standing in front of the screen will not result in a lack of visuals. Furthermore, the modular design allows more creative installation and sizing options.

Advantages of Wedding LED display

Here are the greatest advantages of wedding LED screens that you should know!


Operating an LED display may be simple and straightforward. There are no difficult rules to follow; simply connect your screen, present the content you want, and use multiple functions. You can even run your display via your smartphone. Another remarkable aspect of this equipment is that it supports almost all kinds of content formats and has several computer connection options, including DVI, HDMI, VGA, and HD-SDI.

It is easy to operate wedding LED displays

Modular design with flexible size

LED screen size, unlike other forms of equipment such as TV, LCD, or projector, can be easily altered due to its modular design. Professional suppliers, such as AVVietnam, may adjust the wall size to meet the needs of the customer.

Diverse projected content

You may show all types of media forms on an LED screen including images, videos, music, etc. Moreover, the functions and forms might be diverse. For example, you might install a floor LED display that everyone can tread on and dance on. Install an LED screen display and you will have an unforgettable wedding!


Due to their ease of maintenance and lengthy operating life, LED displays are less expensive in the long run. Furthermore, the electricity consumption can be minimized, allowing you to save money. 

This type of equipment is extremely cost-effective

Mass viewing simultaneously

Thanks to the modular design, LED displays can achieve huge sizes that other types of equipment like TVs, LCD displays, or projectors, cannot. The board viewing angle also allows people to watch the images clearly from different angles.

AVVietnam Provides Professional Wedding LED Screen Solutions

High-quality wedding LED display rental is one of AVVietnam's equipment rental services. We have a large selection of LEDs that may be chosen based on the customer's needs and at the best feasible price. No doubt using a LED screen at your wedding can make it more alluring and unforgettable.

For any requests, just contact AVVietnam at +84 98 98 98 198 (available on Mobile, Whatsapp, Zalo).