
​​​​​​​Guide: How to use and maintain stage smoke generators

Dec 09, 2020

The smoke generator is one of the devices playing a pivotal role in the stage effects. Despite its popularity, do you really understand this magic stage smoke generator yet? Join AVVIETNAM to learn how to ue and maintain stage smoke generators through the following article!


How to use stage smoke generators?

Set up stage smoke generators

When you learn about this machine, you need to know its position on the stage to know how to set up. Usually, the best place to place a smoke machine is right on the stage floor. Most people often put stage smoke generators on the wings to spray straight into the center of the stage.

Note on how to use it effectively

Take special consideration when using a stage smoke generator outdoors or in a windy place. You must place the wind in the direction of the stage to not blow the smoke out and dissipate the smoke. Next, you need to pay attention to control the stage smoke generator to spray regularly at a specific frequency. For climaxes, you can spray continuously in the middle of the stage. This allows the two streams of smoke to meet each other to rise high, creating an eye-catching effect.

A simple tip when using the dreamy, shimmering smoke machine is with the gentle and lyrical music stage. You can put a small fan in front of the stage smoke generator to spread the smoke evenly across the stage. It will create a dim space, easy to catch the light rays of the effect lights. You can adjust the fan and stage smoke generators so that the smoke comes out steadily and can't see the flow but still enough to catch the spotlights’ rays.

Note about the safety of the smoke generators

When using a stage smoke generator, you can be assured of its safety because the standard smoke-making solution is a non-toxic chemical. However, you should still not let the smoke-generating solution close to your mouth. More specifically, keep in mind that smoke-generating solutions are oil-retaining chemicals. Because of that, when it comes back to liquid, it never dries out. Therefore, if the smoke spray is too close to other light and sound devices, those devices will be heavily oiled for a long time. This may damage the device.


How to maintain smoke generators?

As mentioned above, smoke generators are non-toxic. So it is not difficult to maintain the machine. The smoke-making solution has no odor, but there will be chemical residues if left for a long time. Under high temperatures, this substance will be burnt to produce aldehydes with a burnt odor. Therefore, you should clean the stage smoke generator periodically.

Remember not to operate the device for a long time before spraying the smoke. With about 5 to 10 minutes is just right, when not in continuous use, turn off the smoke sprayer. You should also note that when you have used up about 2 bottles of smoke solution, you run the sprayer about half a liter of clean water. This is to remove any chemical residue in the copper tube. Besides, you must occasionally clean the machine’s exhaust vents to avoid clogging the drain hole, resulting in pump damage. In particular, you should not mix the smoke-generating solution with any other odorant. Anyway, this substance is also a chemical, so when heated, the odors will become harmful to health.


The bottom line

This is how to use and maintain the stage smoke generator that AV VIETNAM wants to introduce to you. If you have any questions about smoke generators or event equipment, please contact AV VIETNAM via website or hotline +(84)913.311.911 for more specific advice. With 10 years of experience in professional event equipment rental, we are confident to bring you the best quality and price services.